Tuesday, March 29, 2011

At least the music is good

Can somebody else take over?
I am GAHzosted.

The boy is too awake at night.
The girl is too fussy about what's for dinner.
The husband plays too much late night hockey.
And I have too many things I want to do and not even close to enough energy to do them.

Also, between staff and family, I feel like I'm responsible for too many people right now.
I'm hardly qualified.

Also, I'm dieting.
Which is actually working (12 el bees down in 7 weeks) but is way way wayyy annoying when what I really need (yes need) to do is eat a huge plate of spaghetti, drink the better half of a bottle of red and just go to sleep.
For a week.

Instead I'm "enjoyyyyying" some steamed fish on a freaking salad of all things.
Not even Captain Highliner could call this comfort food.
I suppose what it's lacking in flavour it's making up in empowerment.

Fatigue and stress, either on their own or in combination, are definitely binge triggers for me.
Not that this is some sort of revelation.

The only good thing about this week so far is the new Starbucks music compilation I bought for Blackbird.
I would encourage you to drink local coffee (Equator all the way baby) but hit the 'bucks up for music.
Specifically their 40th Anniversary album.
So good!

Or you could just come visit me in the shop for a listen.
Think Paul Simon meets Alicia Keys meets Neko Case meets Buena Vista Social Club.
Meets home decor.
Meets grumpy shop keep.
Noooo. I'll be nice. Really I will.

To better days, quieter nights, 0 cal cheeseburgers and beautiful music.


  1. I love you Emily and I LOVE THIS POST! If I didn't have my own wee man to take care of I would come over to give you a night off. xoxo Here's to red wine dreams tonight!

  2. But 12lbs is amazing!!!!!!! That must make you smile HUGE. Congrats girl. I hope you have very sleep filled days this weekend, or block buster days in the store to make up for it. Love you lots. xo

  3. Dancing in the store right now!

    Don't worry - no witnesses:)
