Thursday, February 3, 2011

Working overtime

Which one of you told me this would be easy?
Somebody needs to pay because mommy be suffering.
Big time.

Two days ago I would have told you it was the two year old that was making me mental.
Today, it's the 3 weeker.

Since Griffin was born Clementine has been waking up every night, a couple times a night screaming "I need one more book!" or "I need a bottle", "I need my moooommy!", "where's my daddyy?!" and so on and so forth.
Last night was only the 2nd time in three weeks that she's actually slept through.
And then she got a brutal cold.
Of course she did.

Yesterday she thoughtfully wiped her disgusting boogie nose all over this poor little sucker's head and now he's completely stuffed up.
He snorts when he eats and when he's not nursing he's fussing because he's so uncomfortable.

So I'm writing this on about 45 minutes of sleep.

Also, I'm beyond annoyed with my darling "I don't know what your problem is, what do you want me to do!" husband, but that's a given with a 3 week old I think.
We'll probably survive it.
Unless, you know, he says something especially dumb like "I really think you're overreacting" or "Well that was a pretty good night. How many times were you up?" tonight.
Maybe someone should warn him...

I know.
You couldn't care less about all this and the only thing good about this post is that you feel better about your life.
Or at least your night life.
Also, I know it'll get easier (at least until HE'S two) so spare me the reassuring comments and just feel sorry for me okay?

That's the only thing that will make me feel better.

Well, that, and getting my GORGEOUS Etsy bedding in the mail.
Which I did.
I'll take some pics and post soon.

Tonight at 3am perhaps.

xo Em


  1. Ok Em,
    I simply feel your pain.
    No sleep sucks.
    Good luck.


  2. I hear ya! Between our 18 month old and 2 month old, I'm surprised my husband has lasted this long :)

  3. Totally preparing myself to be in your shoes in July. Thanks the gods you went first this time...maybe you'll have some in the trenches advice by the time I'm due.


  4. Danielle, I'm pretty sure it's a total crap shoot as far as how to get through the day, but I'll impart any knowledge I manage to accumulate between now and July.
    At the very least I might be able to suggest an effective sedative that won't effect the breast milk.

    I kid.
    Sort of.
