Monday, July 4, 2011

New York New York

I'm heading on my maiden voyage to NYC this weekend with Melissa.
Never been.

An old TO friend of ours soooo generously offered up her downtown apartment for the weekend and we pounced!

And because I have Avion points coming out of the ying yang from all the spending I do for the shop (and no place to go!) basically, this trip is free.
I can't wait.

We have no agenda really.
Just loose plans to see a show, I'd like to hit up 30 Rock and Central Park, and Melissa is itching to check out the Kate Spade, but otherwise it's going to be a weekend of walking and eating and catching up.

Did I mention I can't wait?

I haven't started packing yet because really, what can I pack that will be comfortable enough to walk around all day in, but cute enough not to look like a raging tourist?
What's nice is that I won't have to tailor my outfits for easy boob access, but even still, options are certainly limited.

I'll sort it out.
Maybe this time I'll even take pictures!

On a totally different note:
Should I be wearing lipstick?
I've always felt a bit weird wearing it.
Like who do I think I am wearing lipstick?
Like I'm playing dress up or something.

But I see beautiful, natural looking women wearing colour on their lips all the time.
In fact, since I started paying attention, it seems I'm the odd girl out.
I enjoy wearing a bit of gloss - when I can find it at the bottom of the diaper bag anyway - but I'm curious to know if I was sick the day someone taught us girls how to choose the right shade.
I should never have let my subscription to Sassy lapse like that!

Any advice you've got for me, I'd be happy to receive.
Otherwise, have a wonderful sunshine-y week.



  1. Yay! So excited. Add Brooklyn Flea market to the 'non' agenda. For the record I LOVE coloured lipstick and will bringing lots of it with me. We'll find you a shade.

  2. have fun Emily and please post some tips and pics when you get back - i'm doing my maiden voyage in august! have always wanted to visit the big apple

  3. Aww man... hi, I'm that Body Shop girl who sold you that pink lipstick, and then creepily googled your store, because it sounded cool when you mentioned it, and has had your blog in my google reader ever since... ANYWAY, now I feel like I totally rec'd you the wrong shade! And I'm usually so good at that sort of thing! Booooooo. Anyway, maybe I'll be more useful in terms of providing sartorial advice? My husband and I visited Manhattan for the first time last September, and I got mistaken for a local by a local a couple of times, it was great. I was surprised to see that New Yorkers aren't really as fashion-y as I expected... the women there looked more "put together" than "fashion forward" when we were there. Lots of basic t-shirt dresses and leggings and such. I basically lived in dark blue jeans, black Keds, and big, soft t-shirts the whole time I was there. You can pretty much get away with whatever you want to wear, just cultivate a bored stare and be sure to say "sah-ry" instead of sorry, if you say it at all, and boom! Instant NYC cred. Ahhh you're going to have a great time, be sure to check out Upright Citizens Brigade if you have time while you're there!

    - Becca

  4. Becca! No. You sold me a great shade.
    I'm just awwwkward when it comes to lips.
    Also, I can't find the lipstick you sold me in any of my three bottomless diaper bags. It's in the abyss. I think I wore it twice.

    Also, you need to start talking to customers like you write!
    Don't get me wrong. You were extra sweet when we met, but I don't remember thinking you were quite so funny as your blog implies!

    Great writing.
    Good luck with the job hunt to both you and your hubby. If anything comes along where I can help, I most certainly will!

  5. Aw, thank you for the compliment on my writing! I agree, there's definitely a disconnect between my writing voice and my in-person self... especially at work. Speaking of work, I just read your post about the sale of Blackbird, holy moly, that must have been a really tough decision to make. I'm looking forward to reading about what you get up to in the future though! And thanks for thinking of me & Steve (that's my husband, I dunno if I've ever mentioned him by name in my blog), that's sweet of you.
